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9th April (2-6pm) Conference
منظمة تضامن المرأة من أجل عراق مستقل موحد تعقد ندوة في لندن بمناسبة الذكرى التاسعة لأحتلال العراق
The occupation of Iraq continues not just through the actions of US occupation forces and mercenaries (private security contractor), but also through a number of punitive measures that are used against Iraqis in order to secure compliance with US policy.
Iraqi women, like her sisters in occupied Palestine, have to face control measures such as checkpoints and segregation walls on a daily bases. In Baghdad alone there are 1400 checkpoints and 50 areas divided by concrete wall with entry and exit checkpoints where security forces subject women to harassment, humiliation and sexual abuses in addition to depriving them of freedom of movement and access to work, hospitals and colleges. How do Iraqi women survive under such brutal conditions and what can we do to support their struggle?
Women Solidarity for an Independent and Unified Iraq invites you to a conference to mark the 8th Anniversary of the Anglo American occupation of Iraq. The focus of this conference is on Iraqi women struggle within the context of the latest protests that are sweeping many cities in Iraq and the Middle East. Contributions include:
Ø Nofa Khaddouri – “Women’s role in the armed resistance”.
Ø Dirk Adriansense – “Destruction of education setbacks Iraqi women's rights”.
Ø Iman Abu Al Atta – “Iraqi Women Trafficking”.
Ø Haifa Zangana – “Levels of resistance and the role of International women movement in solidarity”.
Time: 2PM – 6pm,
· Date: Saturday 9 April 2011
· Venue: Pirate Castle, Oval Road,
London NW1
(CAMDEN Town, Northern Line) map
Refreshments will be served
All Welcome
تنويه / صوت اليسار العراقي لا يتحمل بالضرورة مسؤوليّة جميع المواد المنشورة .. ويتحمل الكُتّاب كامل المسؤولية القانونية والأخلاقية عن كتاباتهم
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جميع الحقوق محفوظة © 2009 صوت اليسار العراقي
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